
Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 43 (2024)
Published May 30, 2024

Odontoestomatología is the official scientific publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de la República and the Sociedad Uruguaya de Investigación Odontológica (SUIO), published by the Publishing Unit; it adheres to the open access journal philosophy.

Objective: To publish original articles related to dentistry and specialties related. Communicate the scientific production of Uruguayan and foreign authors.

Public recipient: Academics, Teachers, Researchers, Professionals, Technicians and Students of the Health Area.

Original articles

Francisca Vidaurre Latorre, Macarena Iriarte, German Manríquez, Alejando Diaz Muñoz
Pattern of variation in the shape of the mandibular dental arch in a sample from the Metropolitan Region of Chile
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Jessenia Fernández Osorio, Gabriela Sánchez Sanhueza, Luis Luengo, Manuel Melendrez, Michael Wendler
Bacterial biofilm formation on the surface of PEEK and titanium healing abutments
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Andrés García, Matías Mederos, Elisa de León, Romina Tessore, Priscila Vázquez, María de los Ángeles García, Germán Suiffet, Santiago Pérez, Rodrigo Goinheix, Carlos Cuevas Suárez, Guillermo Grazioli
Dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloids with conventional pouring and extended-time pouring available in the Uruguayan market
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Review articles

Claudia Fierro Monti, Camilo Bahamondes Ferreira, Bastián Godínez Pacheco, Antonieta Pérez Flores
Therapeutic extraction of permanent first molars severely destroyed in mixed denture
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Renzo Di Siervi Gómez, Thiago Rocha da Cunha, Silvana Nelly Blanco Pose
Oral health and vulnerabilities in palliative care in Uruguay: perspectives from Latin American bioethics
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Carlos Andrés Pérez Serrato, Enrique Bernardo Rotemberg Wilf
Application of cryotherapy in endodontics: its importance in pain control
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Ivanna Gugliucci, Maria Soledad Abreu, Judith Liberman, Licet Alvarez
Epidemiology of Dental Fluorosis in 12-yearold adolescents: Systematic review
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