About the Journal

Basic information
Odontoestomatología is the official scientific publication of the School of Dentistry of the Universidad de la República, Uruguay, edited by the Department of Publications.

Since 2021, the journal has adopted the practice known as continuous publication of content, where the main objective is to accelerate the process of communication of research and thus contribute to its immediate availability for reading and citation. In this mode, articles are published online as soon as they have been evaluated, corrected and edited, making the authors' research available faster to the public.

Authors linked to Dentistry can publish in it, complying with Vancouver standards and adherence to the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE).

Accepts unpublished articles of: investigation, update, case report and institutional interest. It may include translations of scientific articles published in another medium, with the prior authorization of the editorial committee. The reception of articles is open all year and the manuscripts can be sent to unipubli@odon.edu.uy


Odontoestomatología is indexed in Lilacs, SciELO, Redalyc, DOAJ and is present in the following catalogs: Latindex, CiteFactor, Sherpa-Romeo (blue type), Webqualis from Capes (B4) system and AmeliCA.
Odontoestomatología publishes an online version in spanish and fully translated to English by a proffesional Translator in order to complete the free access to their articles in both languages.
Odontoestomatología is a founding member of AURA - Uruguayan Association of Academic Journals
The articles must be original and have not been published in another magazine previously or be considered by another publication at the same time. Authors are allowed to archive the final version of the published article (pdf) in open access repositories as "post-prints". Authors should mention that the article was published in Odontoestomatology.
The authors will include real and reliable data of their research as well as cite in their references only those articles on which they base their articles.
Authors must declare any association that may involve a conflict of interest in connection with the article submitted.
The list of signatory authors should include those who have contributed significantly and intellectually to the development of the work. In general, to qualify as an author, must met almost three of three of the following requirements:
a. Establish the contribution of each author in the work.
b. Have participated in the conception and performance of the work that has resulted in the article in question
c. Have participated in the writing of the text and in the possible revisions of the same
d. Have contributed the version that will finally be published
e. Have ORCID

Guideline for authorship and collaboration contribution declaration
1) Conception and study design
2) Data acquisition
3) Data analysis
4) Discussion of the results
5) Writing the manuscript
6) Approval of the final version of the manuscript

- SL has contributed to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- OP has contributed in 2, 3, 6
- PS has contributed in 1, 4, 5, 6

A limit of up to 8 authors is established for original articles, 6 for reviews, and 6 for clinical cases. If properly justified, exceptions to this rule will be studied.

Peer-review process
Authors accept that each paper goes through a double-blind review process: it is analyzed by the editors and the reviewers selected for each case, who can accept the paper with or without changes, accept it with revisions or reject it.

Once the manuscripts have been received, the editorial team carries out a preliminary evaluation to verify compliance with the formal requirements of the journal.
Each referee will have a period of twenty days to submit their evaluation in writing with the following components:
- Originality,
- Relevance,
- Structure according to current regulations,
- Relevance, Content and
- Drafting.
Reviewers shall remain objective and keep the papers confidential. They may contribute their knowledge and suggest other relevant papers already published which have not been included in the paper in question.
Reviewers may accept the manuscript with or without changes, send it to a new revision or advise its rejection If two reviewers disagree on whether to accept or reject a paper, the editors shall send the paper to a third reviewer for its evaluation.
They are requested to evaluate the manuscript about similarities and / or plagiarism. In case of doubt, the plagiarism detection system Similarity check is used.
The peer-review process is calculated completed three months after submission, depending on the adjustments suggested by the arbitrators. 
Editorial Responsability
As this is a double-blind reviewed journal, editors undertake to preserve the anonymity of authors and reviewers. They will preserve the confidentiality of the papers to the best of their ability.
Editors have the responsibility and power to accept or reject papers.
If there is a mistake in the paper, editors undertake to publish a correction and/or retraction notice.

Every two years the names of those who have been peer-reviewers in that period will be published.

Publication ethics
Articles with results of research involving human subjects must meet the Uruguayan legal regulations within the framework of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (WMA ) and specific laws - if any - of the country which was held the research. Manuscripts should specify the methodology  obtaining informed consent from the participants in the study and approval of the research protocol by the Institutional Committee , regional or national Ethics relevant . Photographs must have the consent of the persons identified .
Odontoestomatología publishers follow the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) guidelines.
No cases of fraudulent data or of suspected plagiarism shall be accepted.
Editors shall publish a retraction or correction notice should a mistake be found.
Odontoestomatología declines any responsibility on possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works that are published in the journal.
As of 2019, uses Similarity Check system as an antiplagiarism system.
The editorial team shall ensure that these ethical standards are adhered to, as well as the journal's publishing guidelines.
Historic information
In the last year 3 scientific journals had been published by the School of Dentistry.

1. Anales de la Facultad de Odontología: with scientific content related to original research works. It began in 1955 and finished in 1997 (Nº 28).

2. Odontoestomatología: includes bibliogaphic reviews, original techniques and clinical cases. The first edition was in 1988.

3. Odontología de Postgrado: it was published by the Postgraduated School specially aimed to postgraduated  as a Continuous Education tool. The first edition begun in 1987 and finished in 1997.

In 1999, the Dentistry Teachers Association, in the Council decision Nº 533/99 proposed the three former journals unification in only one, named Odontoestomatología. The proposal was approved at the Board meeting number 35 of the 2.09.99.

In 2002, Odontoestomatología vol. VII, Nº 7 was published. After 4 years of inactivity, it was restarted in may 2006, with the Vol. VIII, Nº 8 being pubished until now.

Since 2017 the DOI is managed for all items


Odontoestomatología published articles in Spanish in paper and online format from 2009 to 2020. As of 2021, it will no longer be published on paper, remaining the online version.

It is financially supported by the School of Dentistry.

Under the Intelectual Property Rights from the Universidad de la República (Nº 91) CDC resolution in  03.08.1994 – DO 01.22.2001 the authors retain copyright for their papers. Authors are allowed to archive the version of the article published in the journal in open access repositories as "post-prints". Authors should mention that the article has been previously published in Odontoestomatología.
Odontoestomatología belongs to the open access model with contents of the full-text publications, in Spanish and English, open and free, without an embargo period and whose costs of editorial production and translation are not transferred to the authors.
Odontoestomatología uses a Creative Commons License CC 4.0 International.