Descentralización de la atención de Prótesis Buco Maxilo Facial en el Uruguay
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Decentralization, Buco Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Care Model, Multidisciplinary Team Palabras claves: Descentralización, Prótesis Buco Maxilo Facial, Modelo de Atención, Equipo Multidisciplinary

How to Cite

Descentralización de la atención de Prótesis Buco Maxilo Facial en el Uruguay. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 15(21), 59-67.


Te rehabilitation of facial maimed patients, means a great challenge. Te chance to provide accessible and economic care in the same environment where the patient lives, is paramount, regardless the health coverage the patient might have, his socioeconomic status residence place in the country. Te aim of this article is the dissemination of the achievements of the decentralization of Maxillofacial Prosthetics care, that is a joint work between of two institutions, the
University of the Republic and the Administration of State Health Services.

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