Validación de la Sonda Milimetrada como Instrumento de medida del Índice Estético Dental
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Malocclusion, AestheticsDental, Corrective Orthodontics, Dental Instruments

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Validación de la Sonda Milimetrada como Instrumento de medida del Índice Estético Dental. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 15(22), 16-23.


Objective: Compare the values obtained with calibrated probe and with drypoint compass as measuring instrument in implementing the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Methodology: In 50 patients over 12 years with permanent dentition from ofDental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry UNNE,were measured the variables that built the DAI, alternating both measuring instruments and estimated the DAI. Results: In 86% of cases both instruments yielded identical values for the DAI variables and the remaining 14% did not exceed one mm. Te correlation between the fnal score of the DAI, measuring variables with calibrated probe and drypoint compass, was statistically signifcant (r = 0.999). Conclusions: Variations between measures not influence the fnal score of the indexvalidates the calibrated probe as a tool of registration for calculating the DAI

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