Implante craneano individual de granvolumen en polimetilmetacrilato demetilo a partir de un prototipo rápido.: Reporte de un caso
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Maxillofacial Prosthetics, cranial implants, endo-prosthesis, stereolithography, rapid protoyping

How to Cite

Implante craneano individual de granvolumen en polimetilmetacrilato demetilo a partir de un prototipo rápido.: Reporte de un caso. (2011). Odontoestomatología, 13(17), 26-36.


Alloplastic reconstruction was performed of a large skull defect of traumatic etiology in a female patient 24 years of age. Due to the particular complexity of the case a technique for denture construction had to be used, involving 3D imaging processing, computer aided and the subsequent production of a rapid prototype. This enabled the planning and prosthetic reconstruction on a rapid prototype, obtaining a large internal cranial implant volume, with absolute accuracy. The inter-relationship of different specialties in the area of health was essential to resolving this case, positioning the discipline of Maxillofacial Prosthesis within the highest integral medicine. This procedure was the adequate to reconstruct complex internal defects of bone restitution, compared to the methods used so far. 


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