Técnica del Poste Anatómico (Grandini)
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anatomical post, prefabricated fiber post, adhesive cements, polymerization contraction, Post and core technique

How to Cite

Técnica del Poste Anatómico (Grandini). (2019). Odontoestomatología, 14(19), 4-13. https://odon.edu.uy/ojs/index.php/ode/article/view/184


One of the great challenges of fiber prefabricated posts since its inception has been to improve their design seeking the way that best suits the morphology of the root canal. This does not only matter to the effect that the cement layer is as thin as possible, but also because the intimate contact between the root canal and the post generates a locking mechanism through friction, which favors the performance of the post to avoid debonding. One way to improve this adaptation is through the Anatomical post technique developed by Grandini. This article presents a bibliographic review supporting a clinical case in a piece in which was not advisable to use an anchor cast due to the risk of the crown root resistance.

PDF (Spanish)


1. Grandini S, Goracci C, Monticelli F, Borracchini A, Ferrari M. SEM Evaluation of the Cement Layer Thickness After Luting Two Different Posts. J Adhes Dent 2005; 7(3): 235-240. [ Links ]

2. Ferrari M, Vichi A, Grandini S, Goracci C. Efficacy of a self-curing adhesiveresin cement system on luting glassfiber posts into root canals: an SEM investigation. Int J Prosthodont. 2001; 14(6): 543-9. [ Links ]

3. Boudrias P, Sakkal S, Petrova Y. Anatomical post design meets quartz fiber technology: rationale and case report. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2001 Apr; 22(4): 337-40, 342, 344 passim; quiz 350. [ Links ]

4. Ferrari M, Vichi A, Mannocci F, Mason PN. Retrospective study of the clinicalperformance of fiber posts. Am J Dent. 2000 May; 13(Spec No): 9B-13B. [ Links ]

5. Grandini S, Sapio S, Simonetti M. Use of anatomic post and core for reconstructing an endodontically treated tooth: a case report. J Adhes Dent. 2003 Fall; 5(3): 243-7. [ Links ]

6. Duret B, Reynaud M, Duret F. A new concept of corono-radicular reconstruction, the Composipost (2). Chir Dent Fr. 1990 Dec 6; 60(542): 69-77 [ Links ]

7. Faria-e-Silva André Luís, Pedrosa-Filho Celso de Freitas, Menezes Murilo de Sousa, Silveira Daniele Machado da, Martins Luís Roberto Marcondes. Effect of relining on fiber post retention to root canal. J. Appl. Oral Sci. 2009 Dec; 17(6): 600-604. [ Links ]

9. Goracci C, Fabianelli A, Sadek FT, Papacchini F, Tay FR, Ferrari M. The contribution of friction to the dislocation resistance of bonded fiber posts. J Endod. 2005; 31: 608-12. [ Links ]

10. Tay FR, Loushine RJ, Lambrechts P, Weller RN, Pashley DH. Geometric factors affecting dentin bonding in root canals: a theoretical modeling approach. J Endod. 2005; 31: 584-9. [ Links ]

11. Chieffi N, Chersoni S, Papacchini F, Vano M, Goracci C, Davidson CL, et al. The effect of application sustained seating pressure on adhesive luting procedure. Dent Mater. 2007; 23: 159-6. [ Links ]