Plan preventivo terapéutico integral y recuperación del equilibrio oclusal en Odontopediatría: Caso clínico
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Odontoma/therapy, dental anomalies, Dental occlusion

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Plan preventivo terapéutico integral y recuperación del equilibrio oclusal en Odontopediatría: Caso clínico. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 14(19), 14-23.


The pacient is a 12 years old girl derived to the Pediatric Department, Faculty of Dentistry, UdelaR. She presents mixed dentition absence of 4.2 and space loss of its eruption, persistence of 8.3, with lower midline deviation to the right; the anterior sector diastemas are insufficents to locate the retained tooth. Sagittal molar relationship is Class II Angle, with loss of space for the eruption of 1.3. Radiographically, compound odontoma had prevented the eruption of 4.2 and 4.3. The integral treatment plan consists in a first stage of health education, infection control, strengthening the host and dietary advice. The second stage, orthodontic-surgery: the installation of orthodontics appliances in order to regain lost space and to center the midline; the surgically odontoma remove: placing the retained teeths held in the arch and a right canine and molar relationship. Recovered occlusal harmony, follow-up control were scheduled.

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