Dolor Cráneo-facial como Síntoma Aislado de Isquemia Cardíaca: Estudio prospectivo y multicéntrico
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ngina pectoris; cardiac ischemia; myocardial infarction; orofacial pain; toothache

How to Cite

Dolor Cráneo-facial como Síntoma Aislado de Isquemia Cardíaca: Estudio prospectivo y multicéntrico. (2010). Odontoestomatología, 12(15), 25-38.


Background. Craniofacial pain can be the only symptom of cardiac ischemia. Failure to recognize its cardiac source can put the patient’s life at risk. The authors conducted a study to reveal the prevalence of, the distribution of and sex differences regarding craniofacial pain of cardiac origin.

 Methods. The authors prospectively selected consecutive patients (N = 186) with a verified cardiac ischemic episode. They studied the location and distribution of craniofacial and intraoral pain in detail.

 Results. Craniofacial pain was the only complaint during the ischemic episode in 11 patients (6 percent), three of them who had acute myocardial infarction (AMI)  Another 60 patients (32 percent) reported craniofacial pain concomitant with pain in other regions. The most common craniofacial pain locations were the throat, left mandible, right mandible, left temporomandibular joint/ear region and teeth. Craniofacial pain was preponderantly manifested in female subjects (P = .031) and was the dominating symptom in both sexesin the absence of chest pain.

 Conclusions. Craniofacial pain commonly is induced by cardiac ischemia. This must be considered in differential diagnosis of toothache and orofacial pain.Clinical Implications. Because patients suffering AMI without chest pain run a higher risk of missed diagnosis and death, the clinician’s awareness of this symptomatology can be crucial for early diagnosis and timely treatment.


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