Prevalence of the bacterial resistance in oral flora in children from 4 to 8 years
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bacterial resistance, S. mitis, antibiotics, children from 4 to 8 years.

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Prevalence of the bacterial resistance in oral flora in children from 4 to 8 years. (2010). Odontoestomatología, 12(No. especi), 51-59.


Background: This research aims to be a contribution of interest to study the microbial ecology of the oral cavity and analysis of the biological importance of antimicrobial use. The use of an antimicrobial agent while acting on the pathogen, can alter the composition of the seeds of the normal microflora.

Methods: a procedure based on a questionnaire and the taking of samples of the orofaríngea and/or yugal mucous of children from 4 to 8 years, who concurred to the clinic of Odontopediatría of the University of the Republic, during the months of July-August and December of 2009.

Results: 84.6% of the children consumed previous antibiotic to the appointment. 81.8% consumed Amoxicilina. It consumed it to 89.4% more ago than 15 days. It consumed it to 81.8% by one week or more. From the analyzed samples they were sensible to Amoxicilina 62.5%, to Eritromicina 50%, Clindamycin 92.5%. Of the study of the MIC 72.5% were sensible to Penicillin.

Conclusions: In this study population can not objectively there is a correlation between antibiotic resistance of S. mitis and consumption of antibiotics.


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