Manejo clínico de la caries profunda
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deep decay lesion, pulp protection, calcium hydroxide


The deep decay lesion represent a serious disturbs of teeth’s calcify tissues, and the possible appears of pulp affectation. Practices and strict protocols are necessary to apply restoratives and conservatives tactics. A correct knowledge of the etiopathology lesion, a certain pulp diagnosis, a management of pulp protects proprieties, to obtain and support a correct seal border at coronal obturation, together with the know that a time waiting helps to recuperate capacity of the pulp tissue.

 Anyway, the final object will be to keep the health of the pulp, and will obtain a tooth apt to receive a final restoration.  This paper collects the results of a commission work in the matter. In there, was systematized clinics protocols for Indirect Pulp Protection (IPP) and Indirect Pulp Treatment (IPT), with deferring decay elimination. This protocols are been applied in the Integral Clinical of Adults III, at Odontology Faculty, University of the Republic (Uruguay).  Even emerges new techniques, materials or new methods in practice , the Calcium Hydroxide(Ca(OH)2) maintain validity in the treatment of this pathology, ever we had a healthy pulp and the need of defensive reaction with calcify tissue deposit.
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