Gingival melanosis, a review of criteria for diagnosis and treatment
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Oral pigmentation; melanin; hyperpigmentation; gum.

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Gingival melanosis, a review of criteria for diagnosis and treatment. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 21(33).


Hyperpigmentation of the gingiva is an aesthetic problem for patients with gingival exposure when smiling. The main gingival pigmentation occurs primarily as physiologically response to trauma, chemicals and ultraviolet radiation. In this review, the objective was to perform a bibliographic review on the criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of gingival pigmentation (melanosis). The author explored articles from the PubMed, EMBASE and SciELO databases from 2005 (January) to the present (December 2018). The clinical criteria for diagnosis are based on the severity and extent of the pigmentations on the marginal and adherent gingiva; In this way, the gingival melanosis is more common at the level of the attached gum with shades that vary between light chestnut and dark brown. We concluded that all gingival depigmentation techniques are effective, the differences are in cost, speed healing, comfort and degree of postoperative pain.

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