New technologies in higher education: Study of perception in students about the use of WhatsApp and Virtual Learning Environments (Moodle Platform)
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: Virtual learning environment, WhattsApp, higher education.

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New technologies in higher education: Study of perception in students about the use of WhatsApp and Virtual Learning Environments (Moodle Platform). (2019). Odontoestomatología, 21(33).


The present work has as purpose the student evaluation regarding the use of WhatsApp and the Virtual Learning Environments (EVA) in the Faculty of Odontology (FO), of the Udelar (Montevideo - Uruguay).

An observational descriptive study was conducted on students of the 2016 generation - FO - UdelaR. A survey with 5 items was used in relation to three technological applications (WhatsApp, Moodle Platform and Polimedias), were valued at 0-12 points. In WhatsApp, we consulted about the possibility of consulting doubts, sharing images, informing ourselves, interacting with the teacher and classmates, resulting in an average score of 10.77-10.63-10.63-10.63 and 9.20 for each item, respectively. In EVA the same items were consulted except for two (was to access class presentations), receiving an average score of 8.53-11.27-10.33-9.47 and 5.53. There is a high degree of acceptance among the different technologies, with a greater degree of acceptance regarding the communication of WhatsApp in front of the Moodle platform

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