Comparative effect of aerobic physical activity and stabilizing orthopedic devices on orofacial pain of musculoskeletal origin in individuals with temporomandibular disorders.


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Temporomandibular disorders, musculoskeletal pain, aerobic exercise, occlusal devices.


The present study evaluated the efficacy of aerobic physical activity (AFA) in the management of orofacial pain of skeletal muscle origin in individuals with tem­poromandibular disorders compared to treatment with a stabilizing orthopedic de­vice (DOE). Volunteers with skeletal mus­cle pain aged between 18 and 40 years and bimaxillary teeth were involved. For the evaluation of the pain variable, the mea­surement instrument was the analog ver­bal scale. Each of the treatment groups was composed of seven individuals, who were evaluated for eight (AFA) and six (DOE) weeks, respectively.
AFA was characterized by a significant weekly decrease of 0.155 points in pain measurement. As for DOE, the trend was even more pronounced than in the AFA treatment, this difference being significant.
The present study demonstrated that both DOE and AFA intervention contributed to the reduction of musculoskeletal orofacial pain in TTM volunteers.

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