Non-communicable diseases (NCD) share behavioral and metabolic risk factors with oral diseases and both represent a public health problem.
Objective: to find out the prevalence of NCD and its behavioral and metabolic risk factors in people who attend at College of Odontology of the University of the Republic.
Methods: A Cross-sectional study was conducted and a questionnaire related to socio-demograhic characteristics and habits linked to behavioral risk factors was applied. Anthropometric measurements of arterial pressure and capillary glucose were taken.
Results: The final sample were 602 individuals. A high prevalence of physical inactivity, problematic alcohol intake, excessive salt consumption, hypertension and diabetes was found. These figures were larger than those found at the national level.
Conclusions: Due to the high prevalence of various risk factors, the installation of a preventive-educational program in the waiting rooms of the Faculty is recommended.
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