Oral health and noncommunicable diseases in patients at a higher education institution. Montevideo, Uruguay. Part 2


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Noncommunicable diseases; Oral health; Epidemiology; Interdisciplinary

How to Cite

Oral health and noncommunicable diseases in patients at a higher education institution. Montevideo, Uruguay. Part 2. (2021). Odontoestomatología, 23(37), e202. https://doi.org/10.22592/ode2021n37a2


Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) share behavioral and metabolic risk factors with oral diseases. Both are also public health issues.


To determine the prevalence of caries, gum conditions, and tooth loss in patients treated at UdelaR’s School of Dentistry.


A sample of individuals treated at the School of Dentistry answered a questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics and habits related to behavioral risk factors. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, and capillary blood glucose were recorded, and an oral exam was performed.


Six hundred and two individuals were surveyed. The average DMFT was 16, the prevalence of untreated caries, 72.8%, and the prevalence of periodontitis, 42.9%.


We recommend implementing a joint preventive-care program run by the School of Dentistry and the health area of UDELAR that integrates the promotion and prevention of oral and noncommunicable diseases.

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