Dental implants for forensic identification in incinerations: Recommendations from a scoping review
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forensic identification
forensic odontology
dental implant

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Dental implants for forensic identification in incinerations: Recommendations from a scoping review. (2022). Odontoestomatología, 24(39), 1-14.


Forensic odontology (FO) is recognized as one of the primary methods for forensic identification. Although teeth are structures resistant to high temperatures, particular conditions can make them very fragile. Dental implants (DIs), widely used in current oral rehabilitation, are manufactured in alloplastic materials based on titanium, with high thermal resistance. A scoping review is presented to establish the potential use of DIs in forensic identification. Ten articles were identified with a significant presence of Australian researchers and identification models supported not only in the comparison of images, but also in the use of specific software or even in the implementation of serial numbers ensuring their traceability. Although identification through DIs has been proposed as a promising alternative, local realities and the relationship with manufacturing companies have heterogeneously conditioned these possibilities in FO.

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