Age estimation according to the degree of dental mineralization: Demirjian method
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forensic dentistry
panoramic radiographs

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Age estimation according to the degree of dental mineralization: Demirjian method. (2022). Odontoestomatología, 24(40), 1-16.


Legal Dentistry is a specialty of real importance, either in the process of human identification as well as in questions raised by civil, criminal or labor law. Age estimation is a helpful factor, by providing information that orientates these actions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of Demirjian et al (1973) radiographic method of age estimation, in a Uruguayan sample. 1013 digital panoramic radiographs were studied, obtained from a private institution, in Montevideo, Uruguay. 620 radiographs belonged to female patients and 393 to male, aged between 5 and 25 years old. The Demirjian algorithm applied to the sample studied proved to be ineffective. The data obtained for third molars, suggest that this method could help in the process of identification of the Uruguayan population, although adaptations are required for better results.

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