Molar incisor hypomineralization in a pediatric patient with distal renal tubular acidosis. Case report. Control and monitoring for 14 years
2A. Marcada opacidad y coloración amarillo marrón en caras oclusales y tercio medio coronal y fracturas post  eruptivas en UD 1.6 y 2.6. 2B. Preparaciones cavitarias sin material de obturación y fracturas post eruptivas en cúspides de UD 3.6 y 4.6.


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Hypomineralization of teeth
Renal Tubular Acidosis

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Molar incisor hypomineralization in a pediatric patient with distal renal tubular acidosis. Case report. Control and monitoring for 14 years. (2024). Odontoestomatología, 25(42), 10. (Original work published 2023)


Introduction: molar incisor hypomineralization is a systemic developmental defect that affects one or more permanent first
molars, is frequently associated with permanent incisors, of multifactorial etiology and with various treatment options.
Objective: the case of a patient who presents molar incisor hypomineralization in his first permanent molars with a history of having
suffered from distal renal tubular acidosis is presented, this entity can cause enamel defects
Case report: 7-year-old male diagnosed with distal tubular acidosis at 4 months of age, at the time of the consultation he
had already passed. In his first permanent molars, lesions suggestive of molar incisor hypomineralization were observed. It is
evaluated clinically and radiographically. Glass ionomer restorations were performed, reviewed at six-monthly controls, and at 10
years it was decided to place composite resins on the affected molars. Periodic controls are indicated, which he regularly attends for
14 years.
Conclusion: early identification of molar incisor hypomineralization will allow the application of preventive measures to ensure the permanence of affected teeth in the mouth. It is important to strengthen hygienic practices, especially on affected surfaces, concomitantly with the application of restorative materials.

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