Unpublished articles are accepted: research, updates, case reports and institutional interest. Odontostomatology will evaluate the acceptance of pre-prints that are registered on pre-print servers. Articles that comply with the Vancouver standards and that adhere to the Committee of Ethics for Publications (COPE) are accepted. Reception of articles is open all year round and manuscripts can be sent to unipubli@odon.edu.uy .
There are NO associated subscription or payment fees to view full-text publications, nor is there a cost to publish. The contents of the publications in Spanish and English are free, without embargo period and the cost of editorial production and translation are not transferred to the authors.
Articles must be original and must not have been previously published in another journal or be under consideration for another publication at the same time. Authors are allowed to archive the final published version of the article (pdf) in open access repositories as "post-prints". The authors should mention that the article was published in Odontostomatology.
Authors must be aware of the journal's regulations, explained in the “About the journal” section.
The following documentation will be sent to the email unipubli@odon.edu.uy :
1. Cover Letter
The following points must be included in the application note:
- Title of the article in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
- Full names of each of the authors placed one per line and with their ORCID number and current institutional affiliation.
- Name, postal and email address of the corresponding author.
- Declaration of conflict of interest.
- Funding Source. If the study is funded, it must be specified as follows: “This study was partially or totally supported by XXX [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy].” If no funding has been received for the research, please include the following sentence: “This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”
- Approval by the Ethics Committee if applicable. Human research must provide the Institutional Review Board protocol number in the “Materials and Methods” section of the manuscript.
Additionally, the authorship contribution should be specified using the CRediT taxonomy (https://credit.niso.org/) to highlight each co-author's role in the research, detailing individual contributions and enhancing academic participation.
- Project Administration: Responsibility for managing and coordinating the planning and execution of research activities.
- Funding Acquisition: Securing financial support for the project leading to this publication.
- Formal Analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
- Conceptualization: Ideas, formulation, or development of research objectives and goals.
- Data Curation: Activities related to annotating (producing metadata), cleaning, and maintaining research data, during usage and reuse phases (including software code writing, where necessary to interpret the data itself).
- Writing - Review & Editing: Preparation, creation, and/or presentation of the published work by those from the research group, specifically critical review, comments, or revisions, including pre- or post-publication stages.
- Research: Development of a research process, specifically experiments or data collection/tests.
- Methodology: Development or design of methodology, creation of models.
- Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials of any kind, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources, or other analysis tools.
- Writing - Original Draft Preparation: Preparation, creation, and/or presentation of the published work, specifically initial draft writing (includes, if relevant to the volume of translated text, translation work).
- Software: Programming, software development, design of software programs, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code components.
- Supervision: Responsibility for oversight and leadership in planning and executing research activities, including external tutoring.
- Validation: Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the general replication/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research findings.
- Visualization: Preparation, creation, and/or presentation of the published work, specifically data visualization/presentation.
It is recommended to present this information in the cover letter as follows:
2. Manuscript
The works must be written in Spanish, in a clear and concise manner, using simple and direct academic vocabulary, without footnotes, annexes or appendices.
The work must be presented in the following format:
Word, A4 sheet, 25 mm margins, Arial or Verdana 11 or Calibri 12 font; double-spaced line spacing; pages numbered consecutively beginning with the title page; not exceed 18 pages in review works, 15 in research and 12 in clinical cases (not including references).
Under no circumstances should the names of the authors or their affiliations appear in this file to maintain double-blind refereeing.
- Main page:
Title: in Spanish, English and Portuguese, avoiding abbreviations, and may have a subtitle;
Summary: (Spanish, English and Portuguese) of up to 250 words, highlighting objectives, methods, results and main conclusions. Abbreviations should be avoided (except for well-known acronyms such as WHO, AIDS, etc.). DO NOT include references. The summary should be formatted in a single paragraph.
Keywords: (Spanish, English and Portuguese) 3 minimum, 5 maximum using terms from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) list, and Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS).
In the case of investigations, the place where they were carried out must appear.
- Structure:
The research works consist of the following sections: introduction and background, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references.
The review or update articles will have: introduction, review and the method used to obtain the data, development, discussion, conclusions and references.
The case report will be organized into: introduction, background, description, discussion, conclusions and references.
- Data availability
Authors must inform if the data set used in their manuscript is available and clearly indicate where the repository is located and how to access it. A reference must be made in addition to the note.
At the end of the manuscript, before the references, they should include a section titled “Data availability”, which will inform if the data set is available and, if so, where to access it. In the event that the research data is found on a server, it must be declared within the article as: “the set of data that supports the results of this study is available at…”.
If the data is in the article, this phrase will be placed:
“The entire data set supporting the results of this study was published in the article itself.”
Otherwise, you must include a sentence before the references stating the following: “the data set that supports the results of this study are not available.”
- Illustrations:
Schemes, graphs, tables, drawings or photographs must be included in the manuscript in the space that the author considers relevant and in editable format. They must also be numbered consecutively and with concise explanatory legends. Illustrations must be the property of the authors or correctly cited. Illustrations that have already been published in books or magazines may not be reproduced without express authorization from the author.
- References:
Vancouver style must be used, bibliographic sources must be numbered consecutively following the order of appearance in the text, they must be identified by superscript Arabic numbers and in parentheses: (1), (2-5). It is important to keep in mind that only those works that have been read in their entirety and that contribute to the ideas presented should be cited.
Articles: Wilbur O. Alternate occlusal schemes. J. Prosth. Dent. 1991; 65 (1): 54-5.
Books: Dawson P. Evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamiento de los problemas oclusales. 1era ed. Barcelona: Salvat; 1991 506p
Chapters: Carranza FA. Diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento. En: Periodoncia Clínica de Glickman. 7ed. México: Interamericana, 1993. p31-75
Conferences: Dartora PC, Watcher HF, Campomanes RM. Nova alternativa de separacão de PVC na performance da reciclagem do PET. [DVD]. En: XVII Jornadas de jóvenes investigadores Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo. Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina. 27, 28 e 29 de octubre de 2009