Information For Authors

Instruction to authors

Update: March 2024

Odontoestomatología suscribes to Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). Papers including results obtained through human research must comply with the Uruguayan legal framework in force, within the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (WMA), and the specific legislation of the country where the research was conducted, if applicable. The manuscripts should clearly state how informed consent from the participants in the study was obtained in the methodology section, as well as the approval of the research protocol by the corresponding institutional, regional or national ethics committee. When clinical cases are presented, authors can include identifying photographs only if patients have given their consent.

Access policy

This is an open access journal. Full-text and free versions of the articles are available on-line, in English and Spanish, without an embargo period, and editorial and translation expenses are not borne by authors, who can have the final version of their work after publication (post printed) and disseminate its contents provided that Odontoestomatología with Creative Commons CC 4.0 international license, the original source of publication, is mentioned. Starting 2017 we process the DOI for all papers.

Review process
Once we receive the manuscripts they are carried out a preliminary assessment to verify compliance with the formal requirements of the journal and not to have similarities and plagiarism. Odontostomatology corresponds to the category of doubly arbitrated by local and foreign experts (double-blinded). The arbitration process is calculated culminated three months of shipment, depending on the settings suggested by the peer-reviewers . 
Each evaluator will have twenty days to send their evaluation with the following components:
-structure according to current standards,
-content and redaction.

Reviewers may be Uruguayan or non-Uruguayan and shall remain objective and keep the papers confidential.
They may contribute their knowledge and suggest other relevant papers already published which have not been included in the paper.  Reviewers may accept the manuscript with or without changes, send it to a new revision or advise its rejection If two reviewers disagree on whether to accept or reject a paper, the editors shall send the paper to a third reviewer for its evaluation.
They are requested to evaluate the manuscript about similarities and / or plagiarism. In case of doubt, the plagiarism detection system Similarity check is used.
The peer-review process is calculated completed three months after submission, depending on the adjustments suggested by the reviewers. At that time the author is confirmed in which number of the journal will be the paper published

Manuscripts must be sent electronically to, following these guidelines:

a) Publication request including: article title in Spanish and English; full name of each author -one per line- numbered with superscript numerals, ORCID number, institutional affiliation (only one) and contribution of each author. Only persons which contributted with some of this items should be considered as authors of the article.

In turn, the authorship contribution must be established according to the CRediT taxonomy ( with the aim of giving more visibility to the way in which each co-author of an article collaborates, making individual contributions explicit. and facilitating academic participation.
Project administration: responsibility for the management and coordination of the planning and execution of the research activity.
Funding Acquisition: Acquiring financial support for the project that led to this publication
Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data
Conceptualization: Ideas, formulation or development of general objectives and goals of the research
Data curation: Management activities related to annotating (producing metadata), deleting and maintaining research data, in use and reuse phases (including writing software code, where these activities are necessary to interpret the data itself)
Writing - review and editing: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work by those in the research group, specifically, critical review, comments or revisions, including pre- or post-publication stages
Research: Development of a research process, specifically, experiments or data collection/tests
Methodology: Development or design of methodology, creation of models
Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials of any type, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analysis tools
Writing - original draft: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically, the writing of the initial draft (includes, if relevant in terms of the volume of translated text, the translation work)
Software: Programming, software development, computer program design, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code components
Supervision: Responsibility for supervision and leadership for the planning and execution of the research activity, including external mentoring
Validation: Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replication/reproducibility of the results/experiments and other research results
Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically, the visualization/presentation of data
It is suggested that it be presented in the application note as follows:

Is needed email, and telephone number of correspondence author; conflict of interest statement; source of funding and approval by the Ethics Committee if applicable.

b) Article requirements: the work must be submitted in Word, A4 page size, 25 mm margins, Arial or Verdana 11 or Calibri 12 font type and size, double spaced; the pages must be numbered consecutively.
Review works should not exceed 18 pages, research papers 15 pages and clinical cases 12 pages (not including references); in no case should the names of the authors or their affiliations be included in this manuscript (they must be included in the publication request). Authors must disclosed an agreement of the present rules and regulations. 

Characteristics of the original

The papers must be written in spanish, clearly and concisely, using academic vocabulary that is simple and straightforward, without footnotes withouth annexes or appendices. Main elements:

Title page:

Title languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese, avoiding the use of abbreviations, short title (if applicable);

Abstract (Spanish, English and Portuguese) which should not exceed 150 words, highlighting methods, most important results and main conclusions.

Keywords (Spanish,  English and Portuguese) terms listed in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and the Health Science Descriptors (DeCS), In the case of research, the place where the study was conducted must be included.


Research works must have the following sections: introduction and background, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references.

Review or update papers must have the following sections: introduction, review and the method used to obtain the data, development, discussion, conclusions and references.

The presentation of case report must be organized as follows: introduction, background, description, discussion, conclusions and references.

Data availability:
Authors must inform if the data set used in their manuscript is available and clearly indicate where the repository is located and how to access it. A reference must be made in addition to the note.Illustrations:

Charts, graphs, tables, drawings or photographs should be included in the manuscript, in the section the author deems appropriate. They should be numbered correlatively, and they must have brief explanatory descriptions. It is not allowed to reproduce illustrations that have already been published in other books or journals without the author’s express authorization. Illustrations should be in an editable format. 



In-t ext citations must include superscript Arabic numerals between brackets (1), (2- 5) and the references must be numbered and presented in Vancouver Style. 


Journal papers-
All author’s surnames and inicials of names. Paper title. Journal abbreviation. Year; volume and issue number between parenthesis: number of the first and f inal pages.
Ex.: Wilbur O. Alternate occlusal schemes. J. Prosth. Dent. 1991; 65 (1): 54-5.

Author’s surname and inicials of names. Book title. Edition. City of publication: Publisher; Year. Pages.
  Ex.:Dawson P. Evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamiento de los problemas oclusales. Barcelona: Salvat; 1991. 250p.

Book chapter
Chapter’s author/s. Chapter’s title. In: Author’s surname and inicials of names Book title. Edition. City of publication: Publisher; Year. First anf final pages.
Ex.: Carranza, FA. Diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento. En: Periodoncia Clínica de Glickman. 7ed. México: Interamericana, 1993. p31-75

Congresses, conferences, seminaries
Author’, Work title. In: Number and Congress title. Place and date.
Ex.:Rattner, D. Subsidios para a avaliação da qualidade no processo de a ssitencia ao parto. En: III Congreso Brasileiro de Epidemiología. Salvador de Bahía. Brasil. April 24-28, 1995. p12-18

Materials on internet
Books on internet
Authors, Paper title [on line], City of publication, Editor; Publication date [access date: ]. Available from:
Ex.:Otero M. J, Otero I, JI. Manual de bioseguridad en odontología.[en línea] Lima: sl, 2002. Fecha de acceso: 29 de marzo de 2011. Available from:

Journal papers on internet
Authors, Paper title.  Journal title abbreviation [on line] Year, volume (issue number): pp. Access date: Available in: url.
Ex.: Bruggeman OM et al. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemics in Brazil: what research is needed based on tremds, surveillance, and control experiences? Cad Saude Publica [en línea] 2005; 21(5):pp. Fecha de acceso: 18 de diciembre de 2011. Disponible en: