Revisión analítica de los quistes odontogénicos:: Archivo de la Cátedra de Anatomía Patológica Facultad de Odontología UdelaR
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Cysts, Odontogenic cysts, apical inflammatory cysts, dentigerous cysts

How to Cite

Revisión analítica de los quistes odontogénicos:: Archivo de la Cátedra de Anatomía Patológica Facultad de Odontología UdelaR. (2011). Odontoestomatología, 13(18), 56-65.


An analytical review of the odontogenic cysts of the files of the Pathology Department of Dental School, UdelaR was conducted in the period 1956-2006, taking into account the current diagnostic criteria. The following variables were analyzed: type of cyst, age, gender, and topography. In a total of 10.878 biopsies there were found 1,317 odontogenic cysts that accounted for 12.1% of the total number of biopsies, being of infl ammatory type in 89% and developmental in 11 %. The average age of patients with infl ammatory cysts was at 32, 09 years and development al ones, 31, 12 years. Inflammatory cysts were more frequent in men than in women 1.24:1 and 1.49:1 in the develop ment al ones. In respect to topography, the infl ammatory cysts are more frequent in the upper jaw and development al ones in the lower jaw. The results were compared with other published reports.

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