Histomorphology of attrition in temporary teeth
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dental wear; prisms; sclerotic dentin.

How to Cite

Histomorphology of attrition in temporary teeth. (2015). Odontoestomatología, 17(26), 4-11. https://odon.edu.uy/ojs/index.php/ode/article/view/16


A research project was conducted at the School of Dentistry of the National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina. The histologic features of the
enamel and dentin of temporary teeth under the physiological process of attrition were studied. For this study 25 temporary teeth were obtained from patients attending the Pediatric Dentistry Department for dental care. Samples were categorized and classified according to a modified version of Gerasimov’s tooth wear scale. The teeth were processed using the technical wear approach for observation through a microscope. It was determined that 48% of cases showed grade I wear, 36% grade II wear, and 16% grade III wear. In cases where only the dentin was affected, the section of the enamel prisms was
observed. When both the enamel and the dentin were affected, reaching grade II and grade III wear levels, cases of both sclerotic
dentin and dead tracts were observed.

pdf (Spanish)


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