Problemas de salud bucal relacionados al uso de medicamentos por vía inhalatoria en trastornos respiratorios
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breathing disorders, inhalers, xerostomia, oral pathology

How to Cite

Problemas de salud bucal relacionados al uso de medicamentos por vía inhalatoria en trastornos respiratorios. (2012). Odontoestomatología, 14(20), 4-16.


The children prevalence of non-infectious respiratory disease in Uruguay is high.  The medical management of this disease might be associated with adverse effects in oral health. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge regarding asthma in children and adolescents, to review the medicines and therapeutic devices used and  to depict possible associations between the use of inhalation therapy and specific oral diseases. The review of the literature showed that the use of inhalatory therapy for noninfectious respiratory disorders is associated with side effects such as tooth erosion, dental caries, gingivitis, halitosis, candidiasis and xerostomia. The survey of patients from the Pereira Rossell Hospital Centre showed a positive correlation between the available scientific evidence and the clinical observations that we made. Taking into account this background, it is important that the health care team recognizes people who use inhalers as a high risk potential for the development of oral pathologies, emphasizing the need for preventive-educative specific programs. Health care of patients with noninfectious respiratory diseases requires a multidisciplinary approach.

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