Inmunidad bucal en la primera infancia
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inmunity in childhood, saliva, lactation, circuit of infectivity.

How to Cite

Inmunidad bucal en la primera infancia. (2010). Odontoestomatología, 12(14), 4-14.


The early emergence of infeccious and contagious mouth diseases in children, as dental caries and periodontal disease, is a result of an imbalance between the defensive mechanisms of the guest and the virulence of microorganisms in the mouth, in favor of the latter.


The teeth eruption, that begins in the first year of life, provides the bacteria with new habitat in the mouth as the surface of dental enamel and gingival furrow in the tooth insertion paradencio, propitious to the development of bacterial species cariogenic and / or periodontopathics. This development is favoured by adverse conditions as diets rich in fermentable sugar, deficit oral hygiene, teeth in a bad position, little salivary secretion, prolonged harmful habits like non-nutritive sucking, mouth breathing, minimum chewing of food that almost do not require processing to be swallowed.
Controling circuits of mouth infection is a priority, especially during early childhood, when the immune system of the child is still immature and begins to make contact with antigens.The mother, by the close physical link with the child, is the main transmisor of germs, together with the phase of oral recognition of the child of his own body and the environment.
Despite that, the child counts since his birth with innate defense mechanisms and others passively acquired in the gestation and through breastfeeding, which hamper the development of infectious mouth and systematic diseases.

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