Need for orthodontic treatment in schoolchildren aged 11 to 12 at the Mariscal Gamarra Educational Institution in the city of Cusco - Perú, 2019


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Malocclusion, dental aesthetics, oral health (DeCS).

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Need for orthodontic treatment in schoolchildren aged 11 to 12 at the Mariscal Gamarra Educational Institution in the city of Cusco - Perú, 2019. (2020). Odontoestomatología, 22(36), 25-33.


Objective: To characterize the need for or­thodontic treatment in its dental and aes­thetic health component in schoolchildren from 11 to 12 years old at the Mariscal Gamarra Educational Institution of Cusco - Peru, 2019.
Materials and methods: The sample con­sisted of 142 schoolchildren from a public school. The Index of Orthodontic Treat­ment Need (IOTN) was used with the two components; the Aesthetic Component of Health which was performed by the dentist and the Aesthetic Component which was perceived by the patient.
Results: According to the results, 15.49% didn’t need any treatment, 33.10% a slight need for treatment, and 28.87% a moder­ate need for treatment in its Dental Health component; 74.65% presented no need for treatment in its Aesthetic component.
Conclusion: Almost half of the students did not need any treatment as a result of the health professional examination. On the other hand; three out of four students showed no need for orthodontic treat­ment.

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