The letter to the editor in scientific publications: writing considerations
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Knowledge; Letter; Scientific and technical publications; Journal Paper

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The letter to the editor in scientific publications: writing considerations. (2021). Odontoestomatología, 23(37).


A letter to the editor is a scientific publication classified as a short communication. It allows readers to interact with authors through opinions, criticism, contributions, ideas, hypotheses, and new data. This article presents a literature review on the primary considerations for writing and preparing a letter to the editor. The authors explored articles from the PubMed, Scopus, and SciELO databases from 2010 (January) to date (December 2020). The letter to the editor as a scientific publication has specific writing and preparation features that may refer to an article published in the journal, a contextual topic, or a reader’s contribution. It allows the academic community to exchange opinions on the ideas published by the researchers. It has pedagogical value as it enables novel students and researchers to enter the world of scientific criticism and writing. It also helps them familiarize themselves with the editorial process of sending and publishing scientific papers.

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