Objectives: To establish and implement a simplified protocol for the extraction, primary isolation, and culture of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs). To analyze the isolated cells quantitatively and qualitatively.
Methodology: Ten healthy third molars were donated by patients who attended the School of Dentistry, UdelaR, and gave their written consent. The teeth were processed within 48 hours. The teeth were sectioned to obtain the pulp tissue and processed with the explant method. Cell viability and marker expression were analyzed by flow cytometry at passages 4 and 12 and verified by immunocytochemistry.
Results: The cells obtained had a vitality greater than 90% in all passages. We found the characteristic morphology and the expression of CD90, C105, CD73, CD29 and 166 mesenchymal stem cell markers by flow cytometry in both passages.
Conclusion: It was possible to establish a cell isolation protocol that is highly successful and safe to isolate hDPSC
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alejandro Francia, Guillermo Grazioli, Lourdes Echarte, Álvaro Maglia, Cristina Touriño, Inés Álvarez