Treatment of recession and mucogingival defects using connective tissue grafts on teeth and implants.
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recession; periodontal and peri-implant plastic surgery; connective tissue grafts.

How to Cite

Treatment of recession and mucogingival defects using connective tissue grafts on teeth and implants. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 17(26), 35-46.


Gingival recession is a common clinical finding that entails an aesthetic problem, causes hypersensitivity and hinders effective dental plaque control.
In the case of implants, recession causes aesthetic problems and its progression does not seem to be so frequent (1).
Periodontal plastic surgery procedures are indicated in these cases. These techniques must be adapted to treat peri-implant areas (1).
While the literature presents different treatment approaches, connective tissue grafts have become the gold standard as they provide a higher rate of success and predictability.

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