Management of patients with neurodevelopmental disorders in the dental office. A literature review
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Autism spectrum disorder
attention déficit disorder with hyperactivity
dental care

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Management of patients with neurodevelopmental disorders in the dental office. A literature review. (2023). Odontoestomatología, 25(41), 12.


This article aims to describe the characteristics of patients with neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and relate it to the type of dental approach that this patient requires, in addition to describing the educational strategies that can be offered to the patient and parents to promote oral health care as part of general health. A bibliographic review was carried out where articles located in the databases PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, LILACS and Google Scholar were analyzed. It was concluded that neurodevelopmental disorders can increase the risk of dental caries and other oral diseases in pediatric patients, so preventive measures should be increased and improved, in addition to monitoring parents regarding the care they take of the oral health of these patients. Knowledge and application of the correct behavior management techniques can allow the dentist to provide more effective and appropriate care for these patients.

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