Rejection rate
The rejection rate is the percentage of articles rejected within a specified period of time. For Odontoestomatología, during the 2021/2022 period, it corresponds to 33.8%.
Documents with external authorship
At least 50% of published works must originate from authors external to the publishing entity and its editorial bodies. In the case of journals edited by associations, authors belonging to the publishing entity include those who are part of the association's board or listed in the journal's editorial team.
Application note: To calculate the percentage, it will be reviewed in original research articles, review articles, opinion articles, essays, and clinical cases whether there is at least one "external authorship" to the journal's publishing institution. Editorial board members will be considered internal, as well as authors affiliated with the publishing entity. To consider authorship as external, the highest level of affiliation will be taken into account, for example, a university (not its faculties or institutes). This characteristic must be verified in the last three published issues.
In Odontoestomatología, authors from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, among others, are published.
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