Vol. 20 No. 32 (2018): Odontoestomatología


Silvana Blanco, Prof. Dra.
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Original articles

Márcia Cançado Figueiredo, Rossana Malmaceda Da Rocha, Melgar Ximena Concha
Oral and maxillofacial manifestations in patients with drug addiction
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Alejandro Francia, Marcelo Kreiner, Ignacio Fernández, Fernando Massa
Validation of a new placebo acupuncture method with potential for double blinding: Phase II: practitioner blinding
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Fernanda Eugenia Gallegos-Delgado, Alex Eduardo Schmuck-Villarroel, Felipe Rodrigo Aguilera-Muñoz, María Antonieta Cornuy-Barozzi
Satisfaction with the use of fixed orthodontic appliances in patients from Valdivia and Paillaco, 2017: Observational study.
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Tania Gisela Macías-Villanueva, Jaime Fabian Gutiérrez-Rojo
Perception of microdontia and vertical alteration of size of upper incisors by students of the Dentist Surgery Degree of the Autonomous University of Nayarit.
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Andrea Badanian, Eduardo Ponce de León, Lucía Rodríguez, Thais Bascuas, Claudia Capó, Alicia Batlle, Luis Bueno, Virginia Papone
Detection of periodontal pathogens in a Uruguayan population with aggressive periodontitis using conventional and molecular methods.
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Vanesa Pereira-Prado, Gabriela Vigil-Bastitta, Estefanía Sicco, Ronell Bologna-Molina, Gabriel Tapia-Repetto
Cell proliferation study in human tooth germs
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Adriana Techera, Gretel Villamonte, Laura Pardo, María del Carmen López Jordi
Comparison of the oral health status of diabetic and non-diabetic Uruguayan children aged 8-12
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Review articles

Delmira Apellaniz, Vanesa Pereira-Prado, Gabriel Tapia-Repetto, Ronell Bologna-Molina
MCM2-7 complex: a review.
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Mariel Beatriz Galiana, Graciela Mónica Gualdoni, Carlos Lugo de Langhe, Natalia Belén Montiel, Alina Pelaez
Review of gutta-percha removal with manual files, xylol and Reciproc
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Raúl Riva, Martín Sanguinetti, Andrés Rodríguez, Susana Lorenzo, Luis Guzzetti, Ramón Álvarez, Fernando Massa
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and bruxism in Uruguay. Part I
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