Assessment of the impact on quality of life in adult patients treated with new complete removable dentures
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quality of life, complete denture, OHIP-14, elderly.

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Assessment of the impact on quality of life in adult patients treated with new complete removable dentures. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 19(29), 62-73.


Tis work was done under the current appreciation that both medicine and dentistry currently have of improving the quality of life (QL) of patients with
finished treatments. Te aim of this study was to research whether there was an improvement in the Oral Health-related Quality of Life (OHRQL) on
bimaxillary toothless adult patients rehabilitated with new complete dentures in a Clinic of Removable Prosthodontics in the School of Dentistry, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. One hundred bimaxillary edentulous adult patients were included. Tey did not have an intellectual disability nor a systemic disease affecting their oral functions. To measure the OHRQL, the Oral Health Impact Profle-14 (OHIP-14) was used. The scores studied were: before the rehabilitation
(pretreatment) 9.42 ± 7.79, at the moment of the patient’s discharge (immediate follow-up) 3.13 ± 4.49 and three months after the discharge (intermediate follow-up) 2.13 ± 3.32. We observed a reduction between the frst and the second measurements (p<0.001), which was greater when comparing the frst with third measurement (p<0.001). The results obtained indicate that there was a signifcant statistical improvement of the OHRQL as perceived by the surveyed patients.

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