Análisis clínico y radiográfico de las técnicas ART y remoción químico- mecánica de caries: estudio piloto
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dental caries, primary tooth, papaín

How to Cite

Análisis clínico y radiográfico de las técnicas ART y remoción químico- mecánica de caries: estudio piloto. (2011). Odontoestomatología, 13(18), 29-35.


Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess clinically and radiographically the ART technique (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) and chemical and mechanical caries removal with Papacárie, in primary molars with occlusal caries lesions, verifying presence of pain, clinical integrity of restoration and development of carious lesions. Methods. A randomized clinical trial was conducted involving 16 primary molars in patients of both sexes, aged between 3 and 6 years. These teeth were divided in two groups: G1 (n = 8) conventional ART and G2 (n = 8) Papacárie. Experiments were conducted by and the teeth were resto-red with glass ionomer cement. For the assessment of symptoms, children were asked to complete the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (FPS). After six months we assessed the clinical integrity of the restorations+- through the scale proposed by Frencken. Radiographic evaluation was carried out looking at the potential increase in the radiolucent area of the carious lesion. Results: Patients reported no pain during both technique execution, there was no progression of lesions and restorative material remained properly retained, in the two groups after six months. Conclusions: Both techniques showed clinical and radiographic success after six months of evaluation.

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