Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder that affects oral health; there are no data in Uruguay.
Objective: To determine if the oral health of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus is significantly different from that of children without diabetes.
Method: Case-control, observational and analytical study. Eighty-six children were evaluated in two groups: 1) type 1 diabetic patients treated at Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell (CHPR) with no associated systemic disease or orthodontic treatment; 2) control group including non-diabetic children attending public school who do not take any medication, are not undergoing orthodontic treatment, and have public health coverage. Variables: biofilm, tooth decay, gingival inflammation, sex, age.
Results: Biofilm present in 100% of cases in groups 1 and 2. Caries: 100% of Group 1 (DM1) participants and 92.9% of Group 2 (control group) participants have a carious lesion (not a significant difference). Gingival inflammation: 76.7% of DM1 participants and 60.7% of control participants present bleeding on probing (significant difference).
Conclusions: This study confirms international data highlighting the connection between type 1 diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease.
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