Objective: to analyze oral health care related beliefs among institutionalized elderly caregivers in Antofagasta city, Chile, 2019.
Material and Methods: A quantitative, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted. 49 caregivers were interviewed with the DCBS-sp questionnaire
to determine their oral health care related beliefs. For statistical analysis, STATA 14 ® was used.
Results: 36.73% have training in oral health and 97.96% perceive the need for training. Trained caregivers have significantly more favorable oral health scores on
the internal locus control and self-efficacy dimensions.
Conclusions: There is low training for oral health care in this group, there are unfavorable beliefs about oral health care for institutionalized older adults. It is necessary to design oral health educational interventions in this group to improve oral health care related beliefs.
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