The editorial process is the pillar that supports and shapes scientific journals. It is a complex process
that involves receiving the manuscript according to the journal’s standards, reviewing it, and
publishing the final article. Peer review is the expert evaluation of manuscripts by two external
referees that contribute to the editorial decision of accepting or rejecting the work. It is essential
to select the right reviewers for the editorial team to improve the articles’ quality and make the
necessary modifications.
The editorial process requires the follow-up of the articles’ life cycle. It also involves fluid communication
with authors and referees to provide feedback on the relevant evaluations.
Accepting or rejecting a manuscript does not mean that it is of inferior quality. It often means that
the work does not follow the scientific journal’s guidelines, does not comply with specific ethical
requirements, or is not considered original or novel in a widely explored topic.
Acta Odontológica Colombiana. Instrucciones a los autores. Disponible en: Sobre la revista | Acta Odontológica Colombiana (unal.edu.co)
Revista KIRU. Instrucciones a los autores. Disponible en:https://www.aulavirtualusmp.pe/ojs/index.php/Rev-Kiru0/about/editorialPolicies
Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana. Instrucciones a los autores. Disponible en: https://www.revistaodontopediatria.org/index.php/alop/information/authors
Lopez Jordi MC, Piovesan S, Pereira V, Patrón C, Lima A. Proceso de arbitraje para la calidad de las revistas científicas. Odontoestomatología 2019; 21(34). Disponible en: http://www.scielo.edu.uy/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1688-93392019000200074&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es

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