Vol. 19 No. 29 (2017): Odontoestomatología


Tabaré Ravecca, Prof. Titular
In memoriam Prof. Dr. Jaime Grumberg
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Original articles

Marcela Gómez, Ortodoncista, Egresada, Luz Eugenia Herrera, Ortodoncista, docente, Ángel Suárez, Especialista, docente, Gustavo Sánchez, Ortodoncista, docente
Post-orthodontic retention effectiveness of two types of fxed retainers in patients aged between 12 and 35: a systematic literature review
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Valentina Degrandi, Ex Asistente, Marcel Bentancourt, Asistente, Anunzziatta Fabruccini, Asistente, Fernando Fuentes, Profesor Efectivo
Assessment of the impact on quality of life in adult patients treated with new complete removable dentures
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Diana Webb Porto, Especialista, Silvia Barrientos sanchez, Mg. Estomatóloga. Docente investigadora, Catalina Méndez De La Espriella, Endodoncista, Docente coordinadora, Adriana Rodriguez Ciodaro, Mg, Bacterióloga. Docente investigadora
Frequency and characteristics of endodontic fndings in digital panoramic radiography
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Clinical cases

Héctor López Muñoz, Docente, Catalina Aguayo Saldías, Docente, Francisca Lillo Climent, Cirujano Dentista, Marcela Antileo Ramírez, Cirujano Dentista
Congenital anophthalmia. Report of a family series.
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