Vol. 22 No. 35 (2020): Odotoestomatología

Original articles

Francisca Díaz Schiappacasse, Felipe Aguilera Muñoz, Valentina Cayo Parra, Katherine Guido Garay
Prevalence of infraocclusion in primary molars of children aged 7 and 8, Valdivia, Chile, 2019
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Xóchitl Guadalupe Esquivel-Loaiza, Jaime Fabián Gutiérrez Rojo, Martha Patricia Guerrero Castellón
Comparison of the cross-sectional size of the 0.012, 0.014 and 0.016 NiTi archwires of three brands
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Romina Tessore, Camila Silveira, Priscila Vázquez, Matías Mederos, Andres García, Carlos Enrique Cuevas Suarez, Guillermo Grazioli
Human dentin bond strength of chlorhexidine containing universal adhesive system used in total-etch and self-etch modes
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Franklin David Gordillo Yépes, Tiago Nascimento Mileto, Cassian Taparello, Ferdinando De Conto, Janessa Luiza Engelmann, Simone Pinheiro Siqueira
Facial trauma in children and adolescents: 10 year analysis in a hospital in the of south of Brazil
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Maria Elisa de León Cáceres, Matías Mederos Gómez, Carlos Enrique Cuevas Suarez, Francisco Maglione García, Guilleromo Steven Grazioli Pita
In vitro study of the relationship between bond strength to dental enamel and microleakage in photopolymerizable composite resins
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Zaira Gómez Herrera, Celeste Sánchez Romero, Gabriela Vigil Bastitta, Vanesa Pereira Prado, Estefania Sicco, Omar Tremillo Maldonado, Ronell Bologna Molina
Immunohistochemical profile of odontogenic myxoma, with a focus on microvascular density and tumor aggressiveness markers
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Inés Caviglia, Graciela García
Prevalence of infraocclusion in primary molars of children aged 7 and 8, Valdivia, Chile, 2019: Pilot study
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Review articles

Susana Vanessa García Benítez, David Fonseca Lozada, Luis Roberto Adame Sosa, Francisco Germán Villanueva Sánchez
Mucocele of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn.: Unusual case and literature review
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